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Sabtu, 29 Januari 2011

The Fuji Xerox Setsutaro Kobayashi Memorial Fund Accepts an Application for the 28th Foreign Students Research Grant in 2011/2012

Due date of application is Saturday, February 28, 2011.
1. Grant Objectives
Development of international understanding and cooperation is all the more important to achieve a peaceful and harmonious global society, which is the long-term goal of humanity in the 21st century.

Although Japan has dramatically elevated her position in the world in the decades following World War II, it is also true that Japan has not yet fully lived up to the role expected of her. In particular, Japan does not seem to have the best relations with her Asia-Pacific neighbors in terms of politics, economics and culture despite their geographic proximity and long history of cultural interchanges with Japan. In this respect, further mutual understanding and reliance on continued efforts to foster friendship through interchanges among nations have great significance in today’s world.
In its Mission Statement, Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd. asserts that it will contribute to the advancement of the global community by continuously fostering mutual trust and enriching diverse culture. Based on this precept and the above-mentioned perception of the current status of Japan, the research grant program was initiated to support young researchers from Asia-Pacific countries/regions who are studying in Japan. The grant is allocated from the Setsutaro Kobayashi Memorial Fund, which was established to commemorate the achievements of the late Setsutaro Kobayashi, who was the first president of Fuji Xerox.
Fuji Xerox hopes that the research grant program contributes to the promotion of mutual understanding of people and harmonious development of the nations or areas in the Asia-Pacific regions.
2. Qualifications for Grant Application
2.1 Research Field
Grants shall be conferred for individual research (not group research) in the field of Humanities (Cultural Science) or Social Sciences, with special emphasis on themes that help deepen the researcher’s understanding and awareness of Japanese or Asian/Oceanian society and culture and enhance international interchanges among them in the future.
2.2 Qualifications for Applicants
Applicants shall meet all of the following requirements on the date of both the application deadline and grant subsidization.
1. Foreign students or researchers from an Asia-Pacific country/area listed below who are currently staying in Japan.
East Asia: Korea, China, Taiwan, Mongolia
Southeast Asia: Indonesia, Cambodia, Singapore, Thailand, East Timor, Philippines, Brunei, Vietnam, Malaysia, Myanmar, Laos
South Asia: India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives
Oceania: Australia, New Zealand, Island countries in Oceanian region
2. Students or researchers who are presently enrolled in a doctorate program (not in a master program) of Japanese universities. Those who already received or will receive doctorate degrees before the issuance date of the grant are not allowed to apply.
3. Students or researchers who are recommended by their supervising professors or mentors.
3. Grant Particulars
The Kobayashi Fund will provide each grantee with a research grant to be used for expenses (transportation/accommodation for travel, purchase of reference books/archives, etc.) pertaining to the research activities in Japan and Asia-Pacific countries/regions.
3.1 Amount of grant
Maximum 1,200,000 yen per grantee will be available to approximately 40 grantees. An amount from 430,000 to 1,200,000 yen per grantee was provided to 41 grantees for the 2007 program. (Depending upon the results of the Grantee Screening Committee’s assessment, the actual amount for some grantees could be less than the originally requested amount.
3.2 Duration of grant
The duration of the grant shall be for one year from the date of the grant.
3.3 Re-grant
Anyone who has received the grant before may apply again. Such applicants should describe the reason for the re-grant with the outline of the research previously granted. A re-grant is available for existing grantees or ex-grantees only once.
3.4 Responsibilities of grantee
1. The grantee shall conduct research according to the research schedule submitted. Within three months after the end of the grant period, the grantee shall submit a research report (approximately 30 pages in A4 size format) and a copy of the account book (summarized version is acceptable) to the fund office via the supervising professor.
2. Depending on the research contents, Fuji Xerox shall reserve the right to open the results of the research to the public and the right to request the grantee lecture on the research at a seminar arranged by Fuji Xerox.
3. In case the grantee has to reschedule the research or leave Japan before completion of the research or change his/her contact address or telephone number in Japan, such grantee shall promptly inform the fund office of the situation in writing.
3.5 Other support for grantee
The fund shall print research report(s) submitted by the grantee in accordance with the above 3.4 (1), and present 30 copies to the grantee. The fund will also donate those reports to the universities and research institutes in Japan and overseas. Some copies shall be sent to the grantee alumni members on their request.
3.6 Time of grant
The total amount of the grant shall be fully paid to the grantee via bank transfer in the end of July 2011.
4. Selection Method
4.1 Selection criteria
Selection shall focus on evaluation of the following three aspects:
1. Originality: While the research theme and method should be based on an applicant’s original concept or unique idea, such method should be attainable.
2. Social value: The theme should have strong potential for promotion of mutual understanding among people and nations/regions in Japan and Asia-Pacific.
3. The results of the research shall be reflected in the thesis submitted for a doctorate and shall have strong potential for obtaining the doctoral degree in the near future.
4.2 Grantee selection method
1. The Grantee Screening Committee shall screen the applicants and nominate candidates, and the Fund Operational Committee shall make a final decision on selection by May 31, 2009.
2. Each applicant and supervising professor/mentor shall be notified of the results of the final decision by letter.
3. Selected applicants should attend the research grant guidance meeting and reception party that will take place in early July 2009.
5. Application Procedure
5.1 Application method
5.1.1 Click following button and enter your information
Click here
5.1.2 Submit the following documents to the fund office by registered mail by the designated due date. All submitted documents should be written in Japanese or English.
1. Application form and curriculum vitae (RESUME)
Please use the forms designated by the fund office.
2. Recommendation letter sealed before submission from the supervising professor or mentor Please use the designated form.
3. Outline of the research plan/schedule and budget plan
The outline shall not exceed two A4 size pages. Any outline exceeding this length shall not be accepted.
4. Certificate of enrollment issued by the university authority, indicating research faculty, special study, course, and grades.
5.2 Due date of application
Saturday, February 28, 2011
An application arriving at the fund office after the due date is valid only if envelope (registered mail) was postmarked in Japan on February 28, 2011.
5.3 Other
1. All submitted application documents remain the property of The Fuji Xerox Setsutaro Kobayashi Memorial Fund and shall not be returned. If necessary, please make a copy for your own file before submission.
2. All inquiries to the fund office about the results of the grantee selection or reasons for the decision shall not be accepted.
3. If any falsehood is identified in the submitted documents, the applicant shall be rejected from the selection or the grant shall be cancelled.
4. The Kobayashi Fund allows grantees to receive research grants or scholarships from other organizations concurrently with the Kobayashi Fund grant. Please note, however, that some organizations do not allow grantees to receive concurrent grants from other organizations.
5.4 Address for application and inquiries
Application documents and all questions regarding this program shall be directed to the following fund office:
The Setsutaro Kobayashi Memorial Fund
c/o Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd.
9-7-3, Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 107-0052
Telephone: (03) 6271-4368
Due date of application is Saturday, February 28, 2011.

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